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Science MCA-IV and Alt MCA Performance Level Descriptors
Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs) for the Science MCA-IV and Science Alternate MCA (Alt MCA) are now available on the MDE website. The Science MCA-IV PLDs, previously named Achievement Level Descriptors, describe phenomenon-based learning of the grade-level expectations set by multidimensional benchmarks in the 2019 Academic Standards in Science. The purpose of ALDs are to:
- Provide the criteria for establishing achievement levels (or cut scores) for the MCA-IV tests at standard setting in the summer of 2025
- Provide parents, teachers, and other educational partners with a description of student performance that can support instruction and assessment
- Serve as a basis to develop summaries in student score reports to help with the interpretation of test results
Student performance on the Science MCA-IV and Alt MCA is differentiated into four performance levels: Beginning, Intermediate, Meets, and Advanced. Students performing at the “Meets” and “Advanced” levels are considered proficient in the knowledge and skills described in the academic standards.
The Science MCA and Alt MCA Performance Level Descriptors can be found at: