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Multiple PD Opportunities, Online and In-Person

by Kristin Caquelin, posted on 11:01 AM, July 12, 2024
The Food and Agriculture Center for Science Education

Click here to find resources and a recently recorded workshop hosted by the Food and Agriculture Center for Science Education which focused on cutting-edge technologies and the inherent appeal of solving real-world challenges in agriculture. However, a stark reality persists: the agricultural workforce often lacks diversity. To bring equal opportunities to all learners and their backgrounds, it’s critical to provide exposure to agricultural concepts through engaging educational initiatives. Participants learned about the need to solve real-world challenges in agriculture and the lack of diversity to meet those needs with Yoland Payne from Georgia Tech and Society for Science. They also learned about some of the real-world-examples of innovation and how it’s changed dairy production like identification tags, robotic milkers, and variable speed ventilation from dairy farmer Quinci Scmidt from Minnesota.


The full list of professional development opportunities for science educators are posted online and this workshop can also be viewed here