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Free PD on Engineering in Science

by , posted on 11:20 AM, June 25, 2024
Help a PhD student and get free PD at the same time.

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Good afternoon,
My name is Tricia Rushing, and I am in the final stages of earning my PhD in Curriculum and Instruction at Virginia Tech, with specializations in integrative STEM education and educational psychology. 
I have recently developed and rolled out a short online professional development module for K-12 science educators as part of my doctoral studies. This professional development module is currently in use in three North Carolina public school districts, with great reception. I wanted to reach out today as I am now making this opportunity available to science educators nationwide, to those that are interested in participating in this PD.
This free, online, asynchronous professional development module that I have created is focused on integrating engineering into science lessons, aligning with the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts from state and national standards like NGSS.
The purpose of this PD module is to explore how this type of professional development can enhance teachers' confidence in integrating engineering practices into their science instruction. As a science educator of 10 years myself, I designed it to provide the following benefits for teachers (and therefore their students):
  • Teachers will learn practical strategies for incorporating engineering design into their existing science lessons.
  • They will also receive and analyze a student-centered lesson, adaptable for any science classroom of grades 4-12.
  • Teachers will gain expertise in research-backed approaches that blend science and engineering to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students.
As part of my research study, I am offering this module to any K-12 science teachers who are interested in participating. This research study will utilize no personal information, and any feedback provided from teachers who complete the module will help me understand its impact and inform future efforts to support science teachers in integrating engineering practices into their classrooms.
If you are interested in participating in this short, asynchronous, online PD module, please fill out the following form. Within the next week, I will send you a personalized link and instructions to get started. 
Thank you in advance for your participation. Happy learning and teaching,
-Tricia Rushing
PhD Student, Virginia Tech School of Education (ABD)