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Project PEACE: Promote Environmental Action and Community Empowerment

by , posted on 10:56 AM, June 10, 2020
The program is seeking highly interested science teachers to work with other nonscience teachers on student led school environmental health projects.


Project PEACE by Youth is seeking teachers in IL, IN, MI, MN, OH and WI that are interested in supporting student environmental champions. This is not just for science teachers!

Project PEACE will Promote Environmental Action and Community Empowerment by Youth by engaging them on issues of importance in their own communities and building their capacity to use online tools to understand, explore, and create action plans to address these local issues.  

The program is seeking highly interested science teachers to work with other nonscience teachers on student led school environmental health projects. The 2021 program will empower teachers to support student led environmental citizen science action projects.  The program will train teachers to teach students in utilizing EnviroAtlas,EarthEcho International and Roots and Shoots resources along with other data resources to learn more about the environmental health of their school/community and choose an environmental health issue in their community they want to tackle.  Students will collect their own data, share and seek input from their peers, report the impact to their school/community environment and health and begin a call to action.

Please join us for our Informational webinar on June 25, 2020 at 8:20 am CST. Register at

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