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2024_MnCOSE/MnCOSE24_Final_Logo.png      2024_MnCOSE/SCSU Logo


Fri, Nov 1 & Sat, Nov 2

Plus a Halloween welcome reception Thursday evening!

Exhibit  Lodging  Present  Registration Session Agenda

We’re headed to Saint Cloud! Join us for MnCOSE24, celebrating 60 years of MnSTA!

This time, we’re teaming up with Saint Cloud State University as the site of our 60th Anniversary Conference! SCSU has much to share, a beautiful facility and talented staff to welcome us in. And we all win, as we have reduced our conference costs and will pass that on to you as reduced fees!

We’ll start the event Thursday night with an informal reception. Yep, it will be Halloween night! Come as you are, come when you can, and relax with friends new and old. On Friday and Saturday, MnCOSE24 all takes place at the Atwood Center at SCSU, just a short trip from our conference hotels. Easy, close parking on campus is included in your registration. All of our sessions, exhibitors and meals will take place in this one convenient location.

We heard your feedback that you value both longer workshops as well as shorter presentation sessions. We’ll include these options on both Friday and Saturday mornings. And - we’ll offer SIX presentation sessions on Friday and another THREE sessions on Saturday morning. You’ll be able to engage in this mix of nine general sessions as well as several focused workshop opportunities over two days of MnCOSE.

We already have great exhibitors lining up to join us and share their expertise. Our vendors include both commercial providers of educational tools and non-profit organizations to serve you.

Educators across Minnesota are now implementing the new-to-us 2019 standards. Come to learn and come to share what the process looks like in your world. We’ll dedicate particular sessions for sharing by grade and/or content area.

Friday night - don’t miss the party! What happens when science educators take over the Underground at SCSU on our 60th Anniversary? Come join us for a fun night of celebration and science. Food and fun await as we spend time looking back to where we’ve come and looking forward to where we’re headed.

We hope you’ll reserve your PD funds and mark your calendars NOW for Oct 31 - Nov 2 for MnCOSE 2024!