ESTEP HOME Summer 3-8 Online Courses Sat Seminars Virtual Shorts Resource Repository
High School Summer Workshops |
ESTEP 2.0 SUMMER WORKSHOPS are intentionally designed to include environmental benchmarks from ALL disciplines) life, earth, chemistry and physics! Please check our ESTEP 2.0 LIST of MN Benchmarks by Summer Workshop to see which benchmarks will be addressed in each workshop! Each ESTEP workshop is a fast paced, low-cost, one week workshop that focuses on a specific bundle of earth and space science and interdisciplinary environmental MN benchmarks AND the teaching strategies you will need to shift to science sense-making with your students. The non-refundable registration fee for each workshop is $225. Participants are responsible for housing, meals and transportation costs. Participants may choose $400 stipend OR 3 graduate credits (two reflections and pedagogy assignment required in addition to workshop attendance) upon course completion. Each workshop will have a dormitory housing option for additional cost. Participants will travel to local field investigation sites via personal vehicles. We highly encourage carpooling.
Summer 2025
June 23-27 - Dr. Jennifer Anderson and Kate Rosok at Winona State University
This course will provide professional development for in-service high school science teachers to address new state science standards which emphasize science as a practice more than a body of knowledge (as per the Next Generation Science Standards) and in which high school Earth and space science standards are specific to the Earth, stars, our Solar System, and Universe. We will explore how the Solar System and Earth were formed, resulting in layered planets that orbit the Sun following Kepler and Newton’s Laws, how stars like the Sun generate energy through nucleosynthesis, and how the Universe formed and has evolved since the Big Bang. The course will be offered as a 1-week, in person investigative workshop which will include day and night observing with telescopes as well as a field trip to a local dark sky location. Students will then apply the practices and pedagogy learned during the week to reflect on their learning.
Link to Syllabus
Optional Housing Information: Single, air conditioned dormitory rooms are available at Winona State University. The approximate cost of a room is $50 per night. Sunday, June 22- Friday, June 27. This price also includes parking for the week. More information regarding housing registration coming soon.
July 7-11 - Dr. Rachel Humphrey and Dr. Missie Olson at St Cloud State University
This course will provide professional development for in-service high school science teachers to address new state science standards which emphasize science as a practice more than a body of knowledge (as per the 2019 Minnesota Science Standards and Benchmarks) and in which high school earth science standards are specific to meteorology, climate dynamics, and the possible results of human impact on the Earth's systems. The course will be offered as a 1-week, in-person investigative workshop whose content is as outlined below. Students will then apply the practices and pedagogy learned during the week to reflect on their learning.
Link to Syllabus
Optional Housing Information: Single, air conditioned dormitory rooms are available at St Cloud State University. The approximate cost of a room is $50 per night. Sunday, July 6 - Friday, July 11. This price also includes parking for the week. More information regarding housing registration coming soon.
Earth Systems
July 14-18 - Dr. Russ Colson and Mary Colson at MSU Moorhead
This course will provide professional development for in-service high school science teachers to address new state science standards which emphasize science as a practice more than a body of knowledge (as per the Next Generation Science Standards) and in which earth science standards have been moved into the high school. The course will be offered as a 1-week, in-person investigative workshop addressing stability and change in large scale Earth systems, including atmospheric energy balance and landscape evolution. The workshop will in particular address 1) Use of experimental work in the earth science classroom, 2) Use of physical science concepts in the earth science classroom, and 3) mathematical modeling in the earth science classroom.
Optional Housing Information: Single, air conditioned dormitory rooms are available at Minnesota State University Moorhead. The approximate cost of a room is $50 per night. Sunday, July 13 - Friday, July 18. This price also includes parking for the week. More information regarding housing registration coming soon.
Minnesota Environmental Issues
July 28-Aug 1 Dr. Bryce Hoppie and Dana Smith at MSU Mankato
This course will provide professional development for in-service high school science teachers to address new state science standards which emphasize science as a practice more than a body of knowledge (as per the Next Generation Science Standards) and in which high school interdisciplinary earth and environmental benchmarks are specific to issues and human impacts concerning Minnesota soil and water resources. We will take a deep dive into the physical and chemical properties of major Minnesota soil types, as well as how human agricultural practices and natural processes affect soil as a resource and as part of an ecosystem. Then, we will investigate how Minnesota waters are affected by human soil practices, and the relationships between soils, energy and water. The course will be offered as a 1-week, in person investigative workshop which will include multiple field investigations in and around the Mankato area, as well as laboratory experimentation. Students will then apply the practices and pedagogy learned during the week to reflect on their learning.
Link to Syllabus
Optional Housing Information: Single, air conditioned dormitory rooms are available at Minnesota State University Mankato. The approximate cost of a room is $50 per night. Sunday, July 27- Friday, August 1. This price also includes parking for the week. More information regarding housing registration coming soon.
Questions? Email Dana Smith at
MnSTA/ESTEP Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement
We are committed to reflecting the diversity of Minnesota educators that participate in our programs. We are especially focused on teachers of BIPOC and underrepresented populations, alternatively licensed educators, and educational assistants working toward licensure.
Funding for this project was provided by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR).