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ESTEP 2.0 Online Courses

Our online, mostly asynchronous, FREE graduate courses are available for any MN 3-12 science teachers in any discipline!


3-8 grade teachers! Dive in and improve your content and pedagogy knowledge in earth and environmental science areas!  Our courses are designed for TEACHERS and will be invaluable as you continue to develop your science classes, and develop your student sense-making approach!

High School Teachers! ESTEP 2.0 is for teachers of all disciplines!  We have many courses that are intentionally interdisciplinary so be sure to look at our ESTEP 2.0 LIST of 2019 Academic Standards and Benchmarks Course Bundles to see which benchmarks from life, earth and space, chemistry and physics will be covered in each course!  There is something for every Minnesota science teacher in this new series of courses!  

Do you want to pick up a 9-12 Earth and Space Science License? New legislation states that all students must complete one credit of Earth and Space science in high school to graduate.  These courses will help deepen your understanding of the key content areas and 3-dimensional pedagogy.  Along with our summer bootcamps, these courses will help those of you working toward passing the required content MTLE exam to add additional licensure in 9-12 Earth and Space Science.

Fall 2025 - Summer 2027 ESTEP 2.0 Courses

Our courses are offered through the Continuing Studies Department at Minnesota State University Moorhead.  Each 3-credit, graduate level course is facilitated by expert instructors who are leaders in their fields and based in Minnesota at NO COST to you!  

Please note that these are 3 credit, graduate level courses, and while mostly asynchronous, each require approximately 4-8 hours of work per week, per course.


Each content course ALSO requires your attendance at a 3 hour, Saturday morning, synchronous virtual meeting, and the completion of a required Final Pedagogy assignment in all content courses.  


Pedagogy (Teaching) courses require up to 3 synchronous meetings, set by the instructor.  

*If you are enrolled in a pedagogy course AND a content course in the same semester, you do NOT have to adhere to the above CONTENT COURSES requirements for synchronous meeting and final pedagogy project.



ALL online courses are designated as blended.  This means that the courses are offered in an asynchronous style, with scheduled assignment turn in dates and assessments.  Professors will be available for questions, etc via office hours or scheduled appointments.  In order to earn a passing grade and credit for the course, participants MUST commit to both asynchronous AND synchronous requirements.  A final pedagogy assignment is also required for all content courses.  

Questions? Email Dana Smith at  


Tentative Course Offerings

(NOTE: Some courses will have prerequisites)

More details coming SOON!




Introduction to Our Atmosphere 

Severe Weather/ Natural Disasters

Rocks and Natural Resources

Earth’s (MN) Geologic History


Earth Science Essentials

Earth Science Essentials 2 


Teaching and Learning ES in 3D

Teaching and Learning ES in 3D II

Traditional Environmental Science


MnSTA/ESTEP Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement

We are committed to reflecting the diversity of Minnesota educators that participate in our programs.   We are especially focused on teachers of BIPOC and underrepresented populations, alternatively licensed educators, and educational assistants working toward licensure. 


Funding for this project was provided by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR)