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Bylaws of


Revisions Approved September 30, 2017


The name of this Corporation shall be the Minnesota Science Teachers Association, Inc., also known as MnSTA, Minnesota Science Teachers Assn., Inc. and other related abbreviated forms.


This Corporation is organized exclusively for educational purposes, more specifically:

Section 1: to promote development of active interest in the natural sciences and related disciplines among students and teachers at all levels; public and private, and the general public,

Section 2: to provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas and materials regarding instruction in the natural sciences, etc., among teachers, public and private, and the general public, through educational programs, such as discussion groups, forums, panels, lectures and publications,

Section 3: to further the study of problems relating to the teaching of the natural sciences, etc.; at the elementary, secondary and college levels, public and private;

Section 4: to cooperate with school districts and state national and international educational agencies and organizations to encourage and work for the improvement of classroom instruction in the natural sciences, etc., for all elementary, secondary and college students,

Section 5: to work for the improvement of science safety conditions in the classroom and laboratory for students and teachers at all levels, public and private, through laws; rules and regulations and by dissemination of information through MnSTA periodical and special publications, and

Section 6: to accomplish the above purposes through conducting and sponsoring conventions, conferences workshops, forums, panels and lectures of an educational nature both statewide and within MnSTA's various Regions in the State of Minnesota, for Members others involved or interested in natural science education and related disciplines, and the general public, and encouraging periodical educational activities related to the natural sciences, etc., for public and private school students.

To this end, this Corporation shall at all times be operated exclusively for educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Service Code, as now enacted and hereafter amended. All funds whether income or principal, and whether acquired by gift or contribution or otherwise, shall be devoted to said purposes.

a) MnSTA shall not participate in, nor intervene in, any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.


Section 1: Membership will be open to teachers of natural science, related disciplines and/or science education at the early childhood, elementary, secondary and college levels in Minnesota private and public schools, to informal educators, to educational retirees, to other interested persons, and to corporations and organizations that subscribe to the Purposes of Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA) delineated in the MnSTA Constitution and to the MnSTA Articles of Incorporation currently filed with the State of MN Secretary of State.

Section 2: A Member is an individual, a corporation, or an organization that has paid its current MnSTA membership dues.

  1. An individual Member has voting privileges, may hold Office, receives the MnSTA Newsletter and may pay reduced registration at MnSTA functions. An individual Member may become a Life Member by payment of the current Life Member fee.
  2. A Student Member has full privileges, but may not vote or hold elective MnSTA office.
  3. A corporation or organization may join MnSTA as a Contributing or Supporting Member by payment of the current annual fee. This is a non-voting Membership and will receive one (1) newsletter.
  4. The Board may establish Membership categories and set fees and privileges for those categories.

Section 3: For events sponsored by MnSTA in which a fee is charged, a discount for MnSTA Members may be built into the fee structure.

Section 4: Annual dues will be set by the Board and will be used for general operational expenses.

Section 5: The fiscal year shall begin on July 1st of each year and end on June 30th of each year.


Section 1: The Officers of this Corporation will be the President, President-Elect or Immediate Past President, Treasurer, Executive Secretary and State Science Specialist.

Section 2: The President-Elect will be elected through the following process:

  1. The Elections Committee will be organized by the Immediate Past-President and will consist of five Members: the Immediate Past-President, the Executive Secretary, the State Science Specialist and two other Individual Members of the Corporation appointed by the President.
  2. Nominations from the individual Membership may be submitted to the Elections Committee. A nominee must agree to serve and must be a Member of MnSTA before the candidate’s name may be submitted for nomination.
  3. The Elections Committee will submit a slate consisting of one or more Candidate(s) for President-Elect.
  4. The President-Elect will be elected by ballot by May 1 of odd numbered years. The ballots will be sent to the Membership at least thirty (30) days prior the close of the election. The voting may be conducted by electronic or mail ballot. The Candidate receiving a plurality of the vote will be elected. In the case of a tie vote, the tied Candidates will meet with the Executive Secretary and the election result will be based on the flip of a coin. If only one person is nominated, the election will be by acclamation by the board.

Section 3:     The President, President-Elect and Past-President will take office on July 1 for their respective offices. The President-Elect will serve a one year term immediately prior to taking office as President. The President will serve a two year term starting in an even numbered year. The Past-President will serve a one year term immediately after completing the two year term as President. In case of a vacancy in an elective office, the Executive Committee will nominate a replacement to be approved by the Board.

Section 4:     President will:

  1. preside at all Membership, Executive Committee and Board meetings;
  2. make appointments of Board Members as specified in other Articles and Sections;
  3. select two Members to serve on the Elections Committee;
  4. appoint Committee chairs and members;
  5. supervise contracted personnel;
  6. direct Board activities including agendas, meeting activities and Director reports; and
  7. perform other duties usually incumbent upon this office.

Section 5:     President-Elect will:

  1. assume the duties of President in case of the absence or resignation of the President and
  2. become President for the next two year term of office in an even numbered year.

Section 6:     Immediate Past President will:

  1. assume the duties of President in case of the absence or resignation of the President;
  2. act as Chair of the Elections Committee; and
  3. advise the President and the Executive Secretary.

Section 7:     Executive Secretary will:

  1. be appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board;
  2. maintain approved minutes and records of all meetings of the Corporation, the Board and the Executive Committee; publish them to Board and forward copies to the Historian;
  3. carry on all normal correspondence pertaining to the affairs of the Corporation;
  4. prepare a summary of MnSTA Membership and activities for the Annual Meeting of the Corporation;
  5. serve on the Elections Committee; and
  6. serve on committees related to MnSTA’s Mission and represent MnSTA on appropriate external committees/meetings and groups.

Section 8: Treasurer will:

  1. be appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board;
  2. maintain an accounting of all income and expenses of the Corporation and authorize all bills submitted for payment;
  3. maintain financial records in accordance with Federal requirements;
  4. work with the Executive Committee to develop an annual budget by April of each year;
  5. prepare a fiscal year summary of MnSTA finances for the Corporation Annual Meeting; and
  6. provide records for the annual audit.

Section 9:     State Science Specialist will:

  1. serve ex officio with voice but no vote for as long as such person holds that position with the MN Department of Education;
  2. advise the President and the Executive Secretary; and
  3. serve on the Elections Committee and the Executive Committee.


Section 1: The Corporation Annual Meeting will normally be held during the MnSTA Fall Conference or at such other time as the Board will decide.

Section 2: The presence of 25 individual Members of the Corporation will constitute a quorum for transaction of business at the Annual Meetings.

Section 1:
The Board of Directors will consist of

  1. The Executive Committee;
  2. Directors appointed by the President and approved by the Board, including
    1. Representatives of Regions as determined by the Board;
    2. Representatives of the Disciplines as determined by the Board;
    3. Representatives of private schools, higher education and affiliated groups; and
    4. Other Directors as appointed by the Board.

Section 2: The Board will coordinate the work of the Corporation.

Section 3: The Board will meet upon the call of the President, the Executive Secretary, or at the request of four members of the Board. The Board or the Executive Committee may make provision for an electronic meeting or ballot.

Section 4: A majority of the entire Board will constitute a quorum for Board meetings. Ordinary motions will require a majority vote of the members of the entire board to pass. Motions regarding the MnSTA Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, Bylaws, Budget and/or Dues will require a 2/3 vote of the entire Board to pass.

Section 5: In the event a Director resigns, the President will appoint a person to complete the remaining term with approval of the Board.

Section 6: Terms and Duties of Directors

  1. All Directors will take office on July 1.
  2. Each representative of a Region, Discipline, or other group will serve a two-year term, renewable once or as exempted by a 2/3 vote of the entire Board.
  3. All Directors must be individual Members of MnSTA at their time of election to the board and must remain a member and may not act in absentia.
  4. All Directors are expected to attend regularly scheduled MnSTA Board Meetings, respond to e-mail and other communications received, and submit reports as requested by the President.
  5. Regional Directors will be responsible for
    1. arranging MnSTA meetings and conferences held in their Regions;
    2. working with educational organizations within their Regions on science education initiatives and professional development;
    3. promoting MnSTA within their Regions;
    4. contributing to the MnSTA Newsletter regarding their Regions;
    5. proposing budgets and providing vouchers and receipts for MnSTA money expended for their Regions; and
    6. recommending their successors to the President for appointment to the Board.
  6.  Discipline Directors will be responsible for
    1. arranging for professional development offerings in their Disciplines;
    2. recruiting presenters from their disciplines for Conferences;
    3. acting as liaisons between MnSTA and other groups within their Disciplines;
    4. promoting MnSTA within their Disciplines;
    5. contributing to the MnSTA Newsletter regarding their Disciplines;
    6. proposing budgets and providing vouchers and receipts for MnSTA money expended for their Regions; and
    7. recommending their successors to the President for appointment to the Board.
  7.  Directors representing private schools, higher education, affiliated groups and other Directors as approved by the board will be responsible for
    1. acting as liaisons between MnSTA and their respective areas;
    2. promoting MnSTA within their areas;
    3. representing the viewpoints of their areas to the Board; and
    4. proposing budgets and providing vouchers and receipts for MnSTA money expended for their activities.
    5. recommending their successors to the President for appointment to the Board.

Section 7: Duties of Non-Voting Board Members

  1. Database Manager will be responsible for
    1. maintaining and managing databases, and providing reports as requested by the Board and
    2. budgeting and providing vouchers and receipts for MnSTA money expended for database operations.
  2. Parliamentarian will be responsible for
    1. performing the usual duties of a Parliamentarian at MnSTA Board Meetings by advising the President when requested and/or appropriate and
    2. serving as Chair for the MnSTA Constitution & Bylaws Committee.
  3. Web content editor will be responsible for:
    1. seeking out relevant content for MnSTA members and share it appropriately;
    2. receiving information submitted by the public and share it appropriately;
    3. supporting the regional and discipline directors in publishing relevant content;
    4. supporting content for all MnSTA publications; and
    5. managing content of web advertising.
  4.  Newsletter Editor will be responsible for
    1. providing technical, editorial and publication service, setting deadlines and publication dates, and editing and publishing MnSTA Newsletters as directed by the Board and
    2. proposing a budget and providing vouchers and receipts for MnSTA money expended for the newsletter.
  5. Website Manager will be responsible for
    1. providing technical, editorial and publication services for maintaining and modifying the MnSTA Website according to established practice and
    2. proposing a budget and providing vouchers and receipts for MnSTA money expended for the website.
  6. Historian will be responsible for
    1. maintaining and updating files that track changes in the Constitution and By-laws and
    2. maintaining files that contain all approved MnSTA meeting minutes, board directories, newsletters and conference programs.
  7. NSTA District IX Director will be a non-voting board member with an annual complimentary MnSTA membership.


Section 1: The five Officers currently serving will constitute the Executive Committee.

Section 2: The Executive Committee will advise the President and act on behalf of the Board in a manner consistent with the policies and programs approved by the Board. Non-budgeted expenditures must be approved by the Executive Committee.

Section 3: A majority of the Executive Committee will constitute a quorum for Executive Committee meetings. Motions will require a majority vote of the entire Executive Committee to pass.

Section 4: The Executive Committee will meet prior to scheduled Board meetings, or, at other times as necessary if called by the President or at least two members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may make provision for electronic meetings or balloting.

Section 5: The Executive Committee will present an Annual Budget by June 15 for approval by the Board.


Section 1: The Board will have Committees as approved by the Board.

Section 2: The rules governing Committees will be determined by the Board, unless otherwise provided for in the Bylaws. Chairs of committees will be appointed by the President and approved by the Board.


“Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised,” recent edition, will be the authority on all questions of procedure not specifically stated in the Bylaws of the Minnesota Science Teachers Assn., Inc.


The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Board after notice has been given in writing as recorded in the Minutes of a previous Board meeting or as has been sent by mail or electronically to the entire Board by a Board member at least 30 days prior to the Board meeting at which it is to be considered.