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Post-Conference Info

Thank you for being a part of MnCOSE 2012!  The presentations that you shared are really at the heart of our event.  Without your collective contributions, the conference would be nothing!

We would like to place files to share from you session on our website.  To make this happen, please EMAIL files that you want posted on our website to Eric, our Conference Manager.  You may send any file that you would like to have placed on our website for MnSTA members to access for no charge.  Please do TWO things to make this efficient:
• Name files with your last name followed by a shortened title that makes sense.
• Email your file(s) to .  Please use "MnCOSE2012 File" as the subject line.

Please take a few moments and complete this evaluation form.  We value your feedback and will make a point to look closely at it as we plan for MnCOSE 2013.

How was the size of the room in which you presented?
 Too big
 About right
 Too small
How was the quality of the technology provided in the presentation room?
 Very Good
 Very Poor
How was the tempearture in the presenation room?
 Too warm
 About right
 Too cool
Please rank the timeline we used for the submisison of presentation proposals
 Too early
 About right
 Too late
Please rate the timeliness of our confirmation of your presentation proposal.
 Confirmation came quickly enough
 Confirmation was later than expected
 Confirmation was not received
Please rate the availability of information from MnSTA when it was needed
 Readily available
 Somewhat available
 Difficult to find
 Not available
Yes No
Was presenting a session(s) at MnCOSE 2012 a worthwhile exprience for you?
Will you consdier presenting again at MnCOSE 2013 in Duluth?
Who else would you recommend we invite to present for MnCOSE 2013? Please shrae their info here:

Questions?  Please contact Eric at .

Here are floor plans of the two levels of the DECC we're using.  Note that the facility we have is called the 'City Side Convention Center'.

Click on each image for a downloadable pdf version.
